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New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos


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Offline Crowbar


No idea what to make of that. I mean, I like Blaze a whole lot, and I guess I knew they were going to have her feature again, but I just pray they don't ruin her.

Speculation of another character being Sonic's son for the LOL.

Also, "The Iblis trigger is an event involving the deaths of several characters". Hum, I wonder if it'll end up being like Shadow's "death" in SA2.

Offline magnum12

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Unless the information directly comes from Sega, I'm not trusting it. As far as I know, this could be bogus.
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

Offline eggFL

Quote from: SkyLights
No longer does it seem like a revival of the past games... it's more like a "take everything that the fans thought were cool that we made and put it in one game" kind of approach.

Quote from: mike89
Sounds like Sonic Heroes in that respect.

A sketchy parallel at best. o_o;

Quote from: Crowbar
Also, "The Iblis trigger is an event involving the deaths of several characters". Hum, I wonder if it'll end up being like Shadow's "death" in SA2.

Well it's been my opinion for a while now that the entire point of Shadow was to die and then come back.

Anyway, with the time-travel alternate world craziness implied by all this, Iblis Trigger is possibly an event that happens in another reality, or in the future, or is something Sonic and company are working to keep from happening altogether. The death or faked death of non-Shadow characters is something I'm hoping isn't true.

Of course this is speculating on a possibly fake leak. I've heard this on top of the claim that Iblis Trigger is Shadow. (as well as the initial info that it's Sonic)

Offline Magnezone

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There is significance to that news I posted because it's not your average rumor that someone just randomly makes up; It's coming from the same guy who said exactly who the extra characters in Sonic Riders were to be months before the game was out. I'm pretty sure he hangs out at ghz if you want to get in touch with him.

Offline Cream147

yep, the game the topic creator is talking about sounds...ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS. Unless your a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog (without the guns). Sonic Wildfire sounds AWESOME. Just another reason to buy the Wii. :)

Offline eggFL

btw some new info (and not new info) about Sonic Next Gen

 - the producer of this game is the same producer of Shinobi for PS2 (nobody told me!)
 - Silver is described as young and immature
 - Amy will be in the game
 - Sonic will be shopping in town stages, among other activities
 - the game will feature remakes of stages from classic Sonic games

Also, if you go to:
..then click on Sonic Games, then Sonic The Hedgehog next gen, it says that the game takes place a new planet that Sonic just happened to visit.

Also here's a pic for reference if anyone wants to guess Sonic's height in this game:

And I still think that selectively favoring Wild Fire over this game is pure madness. But then again, read my custom title.

Offline Crowbar

"More realistic" = eeeh, realistic is not a word you throw around in this context

"More cinematic" = good

Slightly offtopic: I'm amused by the "World of Sonic" section of the website, specifically the characters section. Why is Fang there? And why are they even calling him Fang? His name was always Nack in the US (not that I mind, Nack is a shit name).

Offline Marth

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Eww, I can see the polygons on that car! I counted 12 edges on the wheel.
Isn't that as smooth as Amy's skirt in SA for Dreamcast?not that I care any less about the game being ported to Revolution... I STILL WANT IT!
Ohh, and I think I see some edges on Silver's hair... he's about SA2B quality. But yeah, XB360 doesn't impress me.
If the Revolution is at all more powerful than GameCube, it'll probably come pretty close.

That picture makes Silver look like he's a little shorter than the car... that'd be... 4 feet?
I thought Sonic was just gradually getting slimmer, but he must've suddenly grown a foot now!
(But then, Sonic might be shorter than Silver, and those cars could be really small like in SA.)
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Offline eggFL

Slightly offtopic: I'm amused by the "World of Sonic" section of the website, specifically the characters section. Why is Fang there? And why are they even calling him Fang? His name was always Nack in the US (not that I mind, Nack is a shit name).

Indeed. Many have noticed that and are curious about it.

Although this just crossed my mind, he could be up on there solely because of his appearance in the recently re-released Sonic Fighters and Triple Trouble. Just a thought.

Ohh, and I think I see some edges on Silver's hair... he's about SA2B quality.


he's a gajillion polygons and is as round as a baby's cheek

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2 things to say here.



Also how does that tell us Sonic's height!? XP

Yeah too bad it's not going to be on the cheap Wii. (I refuse to get a 360.) I want PS3, but it is grossly overpriced. :(
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Bilan

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Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Crowbar

Also how does that tell us Sonic's height!? XP

Yeah too bad it's not going to be on the cheap Wii. (I refuse to get a 360.) I want PS3, but it is grossly overpriced. :(

Comparison shot (couldn't find a better quality version at short notice.

Looks to me that Silver is a bit shorter than the other two, which makes sense if he's younger.

And Marth, yes, Sonic got taller.

Offline Bilan

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You mean Silvers no longer silver and old looking? Gay.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline eggFL

What the hell is wrong with 360?

I was gonna get an Xbox 360 for Sonic as opposed to a PS3.

Although I only yesterday realized that playing it on PC is a viable option if it comes out on PC.

But the reason I ultimately decided to stick to 360 is that, even if Sonic comes out on PC, it's iffy if Sonic Riders 2 and future Sonic games will be ported to PC as well. When they are pretty much guaranteed to be on 360 and PS3. That's my current logic anyway.

Offline F-Man

StH06 won't be released for the PC. At least not for a couple years until PCs get better, and Sega wants to make some quick cash, which is probably not the case because sales for DX and Heroes for the PC were really bad.

That picture with PC at the bottom is not from an official source, so why do people insist on using it all the time?

Offline Crowbar

Dammit ignore the PC bit on that image. :( I only used that one because it was all I could find. It was purely for height comparison (that part of it is official).
« Last Edit: July 31, 2006, 05:31:52 am by Crowbar »

ANOTHER recoloured rival?

You've got to be kidding me.

Don't like the sound of the whole princes schtick either. However, it does sound like this is either set a distinct amount of time in the future from where we've been so far (if all this talk of Sonic being much taller and older looking isn't just IGN blabbering on), or a different universe altogether. Which is at least interesting.

no ur wrong, the more the better and this character has mystic powers and i think i saw him in sonic rivals for the psp by the way his name is SILVER the hedgehog
Speed Player

Offline eggFL

Dammit ignore the PC bit on that image. :( I only used that one because it was all I could find. It was purely for height comparison (that part of it is official).

Yea I know.

and it wasn't because of you posting that pic that I thought about getting the game for PC. It was from remembering seeing that pic months ago. I never considered PC a viable option until this week, but since it's not really coming on PC, then nevermind.

Offline Crowbar

no ur wrong, the more the better and this character has mystic powers and i think i saw him in sonic rivals for the psp by the way his name is SILVER the hedgehog


Offline Marth

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Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2006, 03:47:43 pm »

he's a gajillion polygons and is as round as a baby's cheek

Okay, I think you were joking there. If not...
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Offline F-Man

Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2006, 06:53:44 pm »
ROFL Marth, it's normal to see the pixels on the outline of a model. Unless the resolution is like at 2048x1532 or something.

It won't be noticeable on a TV screen (unless you have some good HD display, but people who get those actually WANT to get such good quality image so that they can see every pixel correctly).

Also, nitpicking at that poor car's wheel is really exagerating. :P

Offline Crowbar

Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2006, 07:52:47 pm »
Polygons =/= pixels, man

Normally I'd agree that nitpicking about wheels on pieces of scenery is too much.

But ffs this is, what, the 5th console generation? And Sony and Microsoft (and Sega) can harp on about little other than graphics, and yet they still leave obvious polygon edges about.

Offline Marth

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Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2006, 08:34:56 pm »
Did you mean pixels or edges? More pixels would make the edges more visible.
Anyway, I'm not saying the graphics are bad. This game looks very good (except for that tire). :P
The reasons I drew attention to the flaws were:

-eggFL said it was perfectly smooth.

-This doesn't look that much better than GameCube, even though it's the next generation.

-Revolution (yes, I still use that name) can't be too far behind in graphics.

-The GCN's power has been underappreciated from when it got the "kiddy" image (2002?)
to now, when so many people are "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing over the XB360.

-Yeah, like Crowbar said, Sony and Microsoft (not sure about SEGA, though) just care about graphics.
Speaking of that, didn't Sony claim (years ago) that the PS2 could do smoother graphics than in this pic?
Inactive member, but still... occasionally... checks his private messages and aging (former) records in SA.

Offline eggFL

« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2006, 08:51:52 pm »
nice observation Marth, thanks

It still looks great though. It definitely looks much better than Gamecube in any case.

Offline Magnezone

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Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #55 on: August 04, 2006, 06:51:23 pm »

30 more new screenshots. Included is Shadow's gameplay looking better than "lol vehicles", and the rumored 4th hedgehog.

Offline eggFL

Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #56 on: August 04, 2006, 06:58:17 pm »
WHOA, are they real? Some of them look really weird.

Offline magnum12

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Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #57 on: August 04, 2006, 06:59:54 pm »
If they are real, then Chaos Blast has probably returned based on one of the screens.
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

Offline Magnezone

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Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #58 on: August 04, 2006, 08:00:02 pm »
Also, take note that not one screenshot has Shadow holding a gun. They're getting my hopes up. :(

Offline Crowbar

Re: New Next-Gen Sonic stuff: Storyline revelation and a few gameplay infos
« Reply #59 on: August 04, 2006, 08:14:23 pm »
I'm intrigued by the action in the following images of Shadow: 1 2 3

The ways he's moving in those shots implies a very combat-oriented playstyle.

Sonic = Running and jumping
Silver = Puzzles???
Shadow = Combat (and driving)???


Fourth hedgehog looks...funny. Kinda looks like he doesn't even have hands or feet, just those clusters of crystals. Kinda fancharacterish, though. Oh well.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 08:16:59 pm by Crowbar »


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